Press Release

A Milestone of Impact: Celebrating $207,107 in Rental Assistance

ROG Admin
A Milestone of Impact: Celebrating $207,107 in Rental Assistance

Reclaiming Our Greatness

As we step into the new year, we pause to reflect on the profound journey we've embarked upon together. Our collective commitment to support individuals and families facing the daunting threat of eviction has been nothing short of inspiring. It's with immense pride and gratitude that we announce a significant milestone in our efforts: over the past 18 months, we've distributed an incredible $207,107 in rental assistance.

The Challenge of Preventing Homelessness

Homelessness is a critical issue that extends far beyond the absence of physical shelter; it's a crisis that can unravel the fabric of families and individuals, leading to a cascade of instability and despair. The individuals and families we support often find themselves on the brink, one unexpected expense away from the precipice of homelessness. Our mission is to act as a pillar of support during these pivotal moments, providing not just financial assistance but also a message of unity and hope: You are not alone. We are here to prevent the slide into homelessness and ensure stability and security for those facing this profound challenge.

Our Response

With unwavering resolve, our team has worked tirelessly to provide rental assistance to those in dire need. Our approach is multifaceted, engaging not only in immediate financial aid but also in advocacy, education, and systemic change.

The Impact

The $207,107 in assistance that we've provided has been more than just a monetary figure—it represents safe havens preserved, futures secured, and dignity upheld. It's the sum of countless hours of advocacy, the result of generous donations from our funders and donors, and the embodiment of our shared vision for a community where everyone has a place to call home.

Gratitude to Our Funders and Partners

We extend our sincere appreciation to our funders and partners whose generosity and collaboration have been fundamental in reaching our goals. Your support has been crucial in our ongoing efforts to prevent homelessness, and for this, we are deeply grateful. Together, we are making a tangible difference in the lives of those at risk.

The Road Ahead

While we celebrate this milestone, we recognize that the work is far from over. The need for rental assistance remains as pressing as ever. We pledge to continue our efforts with even greater vigor and invite you to join us in this ongoing battle. Every contribution, no matter the size, creates ripples of change that extend far beyond the immediate crisis.

Join Us

As we reclaim our greatness together, we extend a heartfelt invitation to you to become a part of our mission. Volunteer, donate, advocate—there are so many ways to get involved. With each action, you help write a story of hope and resilience.

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